Speeches & Events
Sonia Nazario spends several months a year speaking at colleges, high schools, corporations and conferences. View her schedule and her speech descriptions. If you wish to book Sonia Nazario for a talk, contact her at: sonia@sonianazario.com
Click on the links below to hear Sonia Nazario speak:
- Solving Illegal Immigration [For Real] Sonia Nazario | TEDxPennsylvania Avenue
- Short clips on the APB Speakers website of speeches at Radcliffe Institute at Harvard College and Peru College
- Keynote at Harvard College conference (Sonia Nazario begins speaking at 11 minutes 55 seconds)
- Keynote before the United Nations General Assembly (Sonia speaks 8:40 – 37:28)
- Panel Discussion: Las Americas students visit with Author Sonia Nazario
In September 2014, Enrique’s mother, Lourdes Pineda, spoke with Sonia at Eckerd College. To view a sample of her answers during the Q&A, click here: Lourdes. Sonia and Lourdes hope to do more joint appearances.